Wednesday 11 December 2013

SharePoint 2010 Sandbox solution 4 – Solution Validation


The scope of a sandboxed solution is site collection and site collection administrator can activate / deactivate it. There may be some cases where the farm administrator needs to have a check before activating the solution. For such purpose Sandbox Solution Validator is used. In this episode of Sandbox solution, we will look at HOW TO IMPLEMENT SANDBOX SOLUTION VALIDATOR. Although it’s a feature which is not used often, I am still taking it up as I know how handy it can be proved when you really need to implement a rule for solution activation.

To create a solution validator you need to follow below steps

1.      Create an empty SharePoint Farm solution in VS

2.      Add a class SolutionValidator  in class file SolutionValidator.cs

3.      Inherit it from SPSolutionValidator and give a GUID to the class



    public class SolutionValidator : SPSolutionValidator




4.      Give name to the validator by defining a property in the validator class


private const string validatorName = "Custom Solution Validator";


5.      Add constructors


public SolutionValidator() { }


public SolutionValidator(SPUserCodeService userCodeService) : base(validatorName, userCodeService)


           this.Signature = 1111;



6.      Override ValidateSolution method and set the properties.Valid as true or false based on your logic. If properties.Valid is false then SCA wouldn’t be able to activate the solution


public override void ValidateSolution(SPSolutionValidationProperties properties)




           // Write some validation logic here an

           //properties.Valid = true;



7.      Override ValidateAssembly method and set the properties.Valid as true or false based on your logic. If properties.Valid is false then SCA wouldn’t be able to activate the solution


public override void ValidateAssembly(SPSolutionValidationProperties properties, SPSolutionFile assembly)


                // Write some validation logic here an

           //properties.Valid = true; 



Is it done? The answer is yes and no. The validator is ready but it is not registered yet. To register the validator to SPUC service, add following code in FeatureActivated method of the feature in which this class is added


SPUserCodeService sandboxService = SPUserCodeService.Local;

            SPSolutionValidator solutionValidator =

                    new SolutionValidator(sandboxService);



To unregister the validator add following code in FeatureDeactivating method


SPUserCodeService sandboxService = SPUserCodeService.Local;

Guid solutionValidatorId = sandboxService.SolutionValidators["Custom Solution Validator"].Id;



Now deploy the solution and try to activate any sandbox solution in solution gallery. You should be able to see the rules/ logic,  you wrote in validator, governing the solution activation. Enjoy J

Please Note that I posted this blog orignally on



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